The BBC answers my complaint, sort of.
A few weeks ago I posted a copy of a letter I sent to the BBC regarding it’s decision to commission a three-part series entitled ‘The Bible’s buried secrets.’ Here is the BBC’s reply with my comments...
View ArticleDoes the BBC promote assisted suicide?
Dr. Peter Saunders certainly thinks there is a case to answer to.
View ArticleDear Mr Ahmed why does the BBC protect Islam but attack Christianity?
When the BBC decided it was time to broadcast another attack at the foundations of Christianity in the form of Bible’s buried secrets I wrote a letter to Mr Aaqil Ahmed the Commissioning Editor...
View ArticlePaxman and Dawkins on the stupidity of religion on Newsnight last night
Jeremy Paxman has a reputation of being a bit of a Bulldog. Yet last night on Newsnight the Bulldog failed to bark, let alone attack, preferring a tickle on the tummy from Richard Dawkins. Dawkins once...
View ArticleWhat excuse at the BBC for its silence on the fate of Iranian Pastor...
Update: Seems that the BBC do have something to say after all – it’s just that the BBC can’t spell his name correctly and that their search engine isn’t very sophisticated. How is it possible that a...
View ArticleWatch the politicians stumble to answer ‘what is the secret to happiness’
On thursday’s Question Time the programme closed with this question; What is the essential ingredient to GWB ‘General Well-being’? The answers the panelist gave to what makes us happy were a little...
View ArticleHow Primark and the ‘moral abyss’ fulfilled the second commandment
The Bible contains surprising verses, even offensive verses, passages of the Bible that seem to be at odds with our understanding of the way the world should work and God behave. Exodus 20:5 is one...
View ArticleThe BBC website asks ‘what’s the point of ‘What would Jesus do?”
There is a sense in which WWJD is the wrong question to ask. A better question, when it comes to grasping the message of Christianity is what DID Jesus do? It is his life of perfect obedience and his...
View ArticleDoes bias at the BBC means your money is promoting assisted suicide?
The very first item of news on the BBC 5live breakfast programme yesterday morning was ‘Experts say patients with less than a year to live should be given help to die at home.’ So important was the...
View ArticleIt really hurts to be told you’re useless
Tim Minchin, comedian, musician and actor was well worth the listen on Desert Island Discs this week. What stopped me in my tracks as I listened was his incredibly honest reflections on receiving a...
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